Welcome, everyone, to the new RowdyC.com! While the old WordPress-based site is still be available and most links will go to its pages for the time being, I hope that this new man page layout will make all content I have made for the past near decade much more accessible. An embed for my Twitch channel will be up here on the main page 24/7, making you able to easliy catch all livestreams here or on the Rowdy Live page itself. Latest videos will be posted here, as seen below, in additions to new pages designed to easily access all videos from all my shows and specials past and present. There may be some aesthetic changes along the way as I learn more and more about web design, but hopefully the main objective of providing you with my latest and past content in an easily available format will be accomplished now. I'll keep you updated on all additional changes. Stay Rowdy, My Friends!